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Together with Our Employees

Clarion values independent individuals in its recruitment, putting the emphasis on people by themselves. Furthermore, we operate a Human Resources Administration System which enables each individual employee to pursue his or her work with passion. We develop human resources capable of global thinking and a positive approach to breakthroughs, and foster the individuality and challenging spirit of our employees.
* Followings are systems in place at Clarion Co., Ltd.


■ Basic Policies on Recruiting
 Clarion prohibits discrimination based on nationality, gender, religion, race, etc. and aims to recruit and train people with a wide range of personal values. Furthermore, as stated in“Clarion Group Code of Conduct”, we respect the human rights and individuality of each employee.
■ The Kind of People We Want, Respect for Diverse Personal Values
 Clarion is looking for “independent personnel, defined as people who can independently think, positively work on anything, and learn with curiosity”. When recruiting personnel, we select people valuing their personal merits, irrespective of their academic background, gender, religion or nationality. Through the selection procedures, Clarion evaluates personalities based on interviews with all applicants, and assessments are made based on their ability of good communication and unique ideas. We make efforts to ensure a transparent selection process by giving all candidates having passed preliminary screening, feedback of the full content of their assessment.
■ Employment of People with Disabilities
 Clarion aims to expand its hiring of people with disabilities. The rate of employees with disabilities at the headquarters was 2.1% in Fiscal 2013, and we achieved the legal requirement of 2.0%.
■ Equal Opportunity and Treatment in Employment
 We are making reforming efforts so that human resources with divers characters and senses of value as well as inspiration can work lively. The above efforts include awareness raising through seminars on issues around applied laws and regulations, such as sexual harassment matter in Equal Employment Opportunity Law as well as promotions of diversity recruiting.
 Female employees with experience of bearing child can achieve their work-life balance taking advantage of Child Care Leave and Short Working Hours System, and are working with feeling of achievement.
 The proportion of female employees at the Headquarters is low at 12%, but ratio of female in the new graduate recruitment in 2013 was 27.3%. We do not have any discrimination in recruitment by gender pursuant to the Basic Policies.
 Female employees are finding a wider range of opportunities of work in our R&D, purchasing and sales departments.

● Male and Female New Graduate Recruitment Ratios

Human Resources Administration System

■ Basic Policy on Human Resources Administration
 Clarion states in its corporate philosophy; “Respecting the individuality and ability of each employee, and establishing a corporate culture of generosity”. Based on this philosophy, our H.R. administration system ensures that each employee is able to engage oneself to work with sense of independence and high motivation, and performance is duly appraised according to role, responsibility and contribution.
■ H.R. Administration
◆ Qualification System
Ranks based on expected role, responsibility and contribution are in place. Rank promotions are examined once a year when an employee qualifies requirements of each rank.

◆ Salary System
Salary is based on a range system according to qualification ranks, which considers the level dominant in the market.

◆ Appraisal System
Performance of each employee is appraised based on the level of achievement within semi-annual target control, and annual appraisal is made based on appropriateness in performed competence. Semi-annual appraisal is reflected on the bonus and annual appraisal on salary and rank promotion.

◆ In-House Recruitment System and FA System
To encourage independent career formation, Clarion has adopted a new in-house recruitment system featuring workplace reassignment procedures whereby an employee may be reassigned on their wishes, as an opportunity. We also introduced the FA (Free Agent) system to encourage flexible movement of personnel within the company.

unit : person

Human Resource Development

■ Basic Policy on H.R. Development
 Clarion’s target is upbringing of group of professionals who can cope with rapid changes in the business environments. With defining “global human resources” (∗), we continue our efforts to recruit and bring up personnel who have potential of working in the global arena, and to let individuals and organizations exert their maximum potentials.

* Global Human Resources: Personnel who have such competence in communication as to be able to execute duties in international operations and who have leadership, and actual experience and skill in operations such as negotiation skill cross-culture understanding.
■ Education and Training System
 Clarion provides its employees with following system to embody their expected employee role models.
■ Career Development Support System
 Besides collective training/education organized by the company, Clarion has an information system for registration and administration of individual self education, and it is utilized in supporting career development.

● Status of Education Administration System (Apr. 2012~ Mar. 2013)
 Clarion has adopted “Mentor System” through which new recruits are given special attention and development support.

● Mentor System
 This is a system whereby each new employee (a mentee) is allocated with a senior staff member from the same department as his/her mentor. This encourages each new recruit to become independent and to build up internal network within the company at an earlier stage of employment

Work-Life Balance

■ Supports to Child Caring and Nursing
 Clarion has set up a “Childcare Leave System”, a “Nursing Leave System”, a “Vacation Deposit System” and a “Temporary Leave System during Spouse’ Assignment Abroad” in order to ensure environments and working conditions for employees needing to take care small children and/or older family members to balance their roles at work and at home.
 Furthermore, in response to the Law for Measures to Development of the Next Generation, we laid out action plans and promote awareness raising at education and training sessions for each segment. We are proceeding with further improvement of the system in view of diversification.
■ For Full Consumption of Paid Holidays
 Clarion works to create systems to facilitate full consumption of paid holidays. Clarion has introduced planned consumption of two consecutive holidays, and “Anniversary Holidays”(3 days).

Safety in the Working Environment

 Clarion has established the Health and Safety Committee, which is working to develop healthier and safer workplace environments, and to comply with laws, regulations and ordinances related to health and safety in the workplace.

■ Health and Safety Committee
 Clarion holds a meeting of the Health and Safety Committee once a month to discuss relevant topics.

■ Prevention of Industrial Accidents
 In order to ensure safety of employees as utmost priority and to fulfill corporate social responsibilities, Clarion promotes various measures with the target of zero industrial accidents. In Fiscal 2012 also, there was no serious incident.

■ Mental and Physical Health
 employees who are healthy both physically and mentally can give power to the company.

1. Physical Health
 All employees over 35 years of age, when higher risk for disease starts, can now go through one-day visit regular health check, which gives more accurate diagnosis. The results are verified by the industrial physicians and the work health professionals and necessary guidance are given to those with remarks.
2. Mental Health
 For better mental health, Clarion has “telephone consultation” and “personal consultation” systems. Within the latter system, the industrial physicians and the work health professionals. Designated psychiatrist doctors and industry mental health coordinators give personal care to those in need. Additionally, we provided mental health lectures every year. The attendees in fiscal 2012 were 390 and they learned about importance of linecare and self-care as well as necessary knowledge and the way of dealing with the issue of mental health.

Employees taking a mental health training course

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